Monday 30 April 2012

Taiwan day 5 - Kenting !

Full of anticipation, we left kaohsiung for kenting!!! Really want to go to the beach to see some eye candies LOL

And so, we first went to fang liao train station. We took a local train at 6.40am and we reached fang liao at ~8am. When we were on the train, we pass by the pacific ocean! After which we took a bus for around 2 hours to kenting!

Local train~ 
Fang liao train station! Walk straight turn right to go to the bus station.

Bus station to kenting !
 This time round we found our hostel, kenting youth hostel easily :D first time so successful. We left our luggage there and we go to our first destination, eluanbi!

However our luckiness was only temporary, we waited for 1 hour + before the public bus come -.- So advice is that if you want to go kenting and explore many places, rent a motorcycle or a car (provided if you have the license), it is worth it, because the frequency of the buses are so scarce, even on a weekend (it will be much worst on a weekday).

When we finally reached elunbi, we toured the whole place in 1 hour time, because the next bus will come in an hour while the next next bus, 2hour.

KFC lunch. The chicken and fries there, so much better than singapore. The only bad thing is that they do not have chillie sauce ):

Walking to the public bus station.



Big nice field there

Must first go to hengchun transit station to change bus to mao tou bi 

Then we bus to mao tou bi!
It was very very windy there ! We have trouble walking up the mini hill and strike a post on the 'clift'. However it was very fun there! First time experiencing mini typhoon~

Look at our hair. Imagine the wind.

This path is quite hard to walk with balance.

HAHA found the name funny so i tried this. Not bad.

This fish is called 那个鱼 HAHA

 After mao tou bi, we took the last bus (at 5pm) to a port to try the sea food there. The seafood there is really fresh even a person like me who hated raw fishes loved it! The sashimi dish was really cheap too (NTD 100)!

At around 7pm, we found ourselves stuck at the port. As there were no more buses back and no cab. And so we asked for help. A helpful uncle called his friend to fetch us back to kenting for a price of NTD 400. I think we are kinda scam, but we have no choice.

And a regret in kenting is that we did not go to the beach as that day there was a mini typhoon and it was really cold (~18oC). So no water activities ):
Walking to the port

No water activities shop open...

Nice sashimi and other fishes! i like the yellow one (made with fish eggs) 

Our dinner! 

This is the port we went

When we were back to kenting, we did not go to the night market as we had already had our dinner. We did buy some koi and snacks. :D

Corn and Koi. The corn tasted bad and it is expensive (NTD 75). The koi is warm! first time drinking warm koi. 

moo moo

This is right outside our room -.- of all things...

Our tiny tiny room. Really tiny.

At the hostel, we can write down our wishes and hang it there.

the common area.

My wish! 

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