Saturday 28 April 2012

Taiwan day 3~

Been long since i last update. Ok now i will write about day 3 adventures in taiwan!

After having a good night rest the previous night at uncle sam's wonderful hostel, we woke up at 9am+ to start on our taichung journey. Initially our plan is to leave taichung to go to Jiayi for alisan trip early in the morning. However after weighing the cons of going to alisan, we back out. Why is it so?

1. We are very very tired still even though we had a good night rest.

2. Uncle sam's temptation about taichung is too huge, saying that the clothes/shoes/bags are the cheapest and nicest.

3. We dont have a hostel in alisan .... we dint manage to book a hotel room as all are sold out !!!
(even 1 month ahead, this is due to the sakura season...)
And to visit alisan, u will need to stay overnight if you dont have a car to drive you back and dont want to waste $$$ on cab fare. The first train to go alisan is around 8+am, and it will take 3 hours + to reach. The problem here is that the last train to leave alisan is  around 2+pm. So unless you can walk and tour alisan at light speed.
And yes, we actually planned to visit alisan and the beautiful sakura and camp at the starbuck there overnight!! HAHA but after we tasted the hardship of a sleepless night at the airport....

Yeah, under many many circumstances, we decided to remain in taichung!

Back to us waking up at 9+am....

After getting dressed and ready, we went to a breakfast stall around feng jia to have our breakfast <3 I ordered some hot dog which i have forgotten the name, but it taste nice, not great awesome though.  We then begin our journey by ............taking a random bus!!! So unplanned ...
Morning at fengjia! All the shops are closed! Really quiet especially when compared to at night. 
Breakfast <3 The auntie tending the stall is so nice :D
My breakfast :D
At the bus stop. The bus stop in taichung only has this sign board (站牌)
Really empty bus to really ulu place.
We boarded a random bus and end up LOST... We took the bus to the last stop, where it is quite ulu. we bought 太阳饼( the 土产in taichung) at a local shop as we feel really stupid travelling all the way here, lost, doing nothing. After which we took a cab to a shopping mall (新光三越)which is like the takashimaya in singapore, nothing special.
Toilet photo of the shopping malll 
After spending the afternoon and having high tea in the shopping mall, we decide to venture again by taking the public bus. Looking at the bus signs, we noticed that the shopping mall is actually only 3-4 bus stops from our hostel................this is making us totally retarded.

High tea at Dazzling cafe 
This bread thing taste really nice ( recommended by the waiter ) 
Our drinks ~ It has a really really long name, so i ordered just to try. Taste like strawberry mocha. Not nice if u dun like coffee like me.
some chocolate drink. 

ANW, we were back to the night market!!!!!! My favorite. We ate a lot of things like the smelly tofu!!!!!!!!!! WHICH I LOVE IT THE MOST.

Personally and initially i hated smelly tofu. I have tried a bite in malaysia and singapore pasar malam before, but i think it really tasted like drain water + shit. But the smelly tofu in feng jia is so freaking nice!!!!!! At first when i smell the smelly tofu, i feel very nauseated. However the more i smell it, the better it smelled! And i begin feeling hungry. Since we were already at taiwan's famous night market, why not try it?! So we ordered 1 and share among us. And to my surprised, the smelly tofu tasted heavenly! omg i am hungry just thinking about it.

Famous smelly tofu stall! The queue is really long. 
Smelly tofu <3 
Close up. blurred...
And other than smelly tofu, we ate the 大肠包小肠which is really huge (compared to those at other night market), the potato cheese, the meat ball dried and in soup  (so nice as the weather is so cold that night). Compared to all the night market i have been in taiwan, i love feng jia the most !!!!!!!!! RARWWW miss the food there ): the bubble tea is awesome too, even though i love KOI very very much, but compared to taiwan's bbt (just a normal bubble tea shop).....i have no words to say...

There are 2 famous da chang bao xiao chang stall, just opposite each other. Their competition is really furious.  And we queued the one which had a longer queue HAHA. 
Cheese potato VERY DELICIOUS 
Meat ball soup. Really warm for a cold night. 
Meat ball with some starch. Really nice too. We cant seem to find such nice meat ball with starch in other night markets ): Do try. The stall is the last shop at the left side of the yan chong juan stall. 
Other than all the eating, we did quite a lot of shopping too (which is such a no no for a back packers to do). The clothes there are nice! and cheap too! :DDD The shoes are very comfortable and cheap. However for people with a big feet (size 40) it can be hard to buy shoes ): as for me, i can fit into the biggest shoe, but it is a bit tight and no longer comfortable. So....i will have to let those shoes go ):

Our loot all over the bed. 
My neatly pack loot haha! The brown shoes is really cheap! (~S$4 ) because it is those shoes on sale/ they wanted to get rid of. 

I think thats all for day 3, stay tune for day 4 in kaoshiung!

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