Sunday 29 April 2012

Taiwan day 4 ~

Rise and shine!

Woke up early in the morning with great reluctant, eyes swollen and hard to open ... Slept too late the previous night. Have an urge to push back our schedule again! LAZY. But NO, we managed to get up as we need to catch an early train.  And so we woke up and took a cab (yes again...price NTD 100) to taichung train station.

We reached the train station and had mos burger breakfast !~ :D

Mos burger's sandwich breakfast 
After which we discovered something extremely shocking !!! We noticed that the TRA concession pass we bought does not include seat number!!! Meaning that we have to stand for a freaking 3h+++ to kaoshiung.

To our horror, the train that day is hellishly packed ...... we squeezed into the train with our enormous bag and stand for 3h++. At that moment we regretted not buying a train ticket and even had the thought of alighting at the coming station to get down to get a ticket. BUT WE ENDURED THE 3HOURS... i am kinda proud of us haha!

After surviving the trip and we reached kaoshiung. We faced another problem. The problem with walking story, our another hostel. I have been emailing the hostel for a long time when i am still in singapore, but there were no replies. So i just booked the hostel, putting in trust that it will not be a scam.

At Kaoshiung train station, i called the hostel. And the number is non available!!!!!!!! WTHHH i was really scared that it really was a scam and we will have no place to live. Nonetheless, we took a cab to find the place ourselves.

LUCKILY, we found the walking story........ A really bad morning to start with with all these kind of shocking news happening.

It was already 2pm++ after all these happened. We put our stuff in the room and went out to have lunch.

The place we were living at is really near liuhe night market (we choose all our hostels near a night market), and the street is really empty!! Very very little stalls were open when the sun is still there. Look totally like a haunted zombie street.

So we just go to a random stall at the roadside to order some food.
We ate 鲁肉饭 and pig intestine soup. And the 鲁肉饭 is SO SO SO delicious!! The meat is really fat, but it is those 油而不腻 type. And the sauce going with the rice taste so good. Yumingly delicious. This is actually the best 鲁肉饭 we have eaten in our whole taiwan trip. The rice is really cheap too, costing only NTD 25.

Yummy 鲁肉饭 

After having lunch, we went to take the 'MRT' to dream mall. We walked around, listen to live performances, go to a carnival, drink bubble tea, took the famous ferry wheel, eat some food. And we noticed that it is already 6+pm. Time to proceed back to the liu he night market!! EXCITED ><

Rich colours in the station 

Prettiest MRT station 

MRT ticket 

Train is coming 

Free Shuttle bus service to dream mall

Carnival ~ By the local student

波霸奶茶。 noticed all along the 珍珠奶茶 i drank in singapore is  波霸奶茶 . The different between the 2 is that  波霸奶茶  has big pearl while 珍珠奶茶 has small pearl.

Dream mall~
Live performances outside the mall 

Ferry wheel ticket 
View from the tallest point of the ferry wheel 

Meat wrapping rice! Taste really good..
Meat wrapping rice, added cheese. DAMN NICE WITH CHEESE

 When we went back to liu he night market, the scene changed COMPLETELY. It was so much livelier, tooo lively till it is a bit scary. The night market was so crowded with all the tourists, making it so difficult to walk. So we ta pao all the night market food back to our hostel to eat.
We have, papaya milk shake (liu he marke is famous for the papaya milk shake which tasted so good. Just look for the papaya milk shake stall with the longest stall, you will find it), fried mushroom (this taste good!), oyster egg (the sauce is not nice to eat), 麻辣烫(not spicy at all and it tasted like crap).

The food is really disappointing with the exception of the papaya milkshake. Liuhe night market is mainly cater to the tourists, and i heard that all the locals dont really go there. They normally go to another night market where the food taste better and is less crowded. (should ask the host about where the night market is) In liuhe nightmarket, it is really scary, with all the auntie pushing around, stepping shoes and being really inconsiderate. Really dislike the night market there ):

After going back to the hostel to bathe and settled down, we went out again late at night ~10pm to have some dessert at the cake store near our hostel. The atmosphere there was really good, the cake is quite nice and is really cheap NTD 50 each. We then calm our nerve and relax at the cafe, looking at all the tourist squeezing at liuhe night market.

Liuhe night market Really crowded. So didnt managed to take photos inside 

Multi flavours soap ~ 

Our room! mattress is thicker than the bed.-.-
Corridor in hostel to our room 

Common area of the hostel . The hostel is really clean! Can wash clothes too at the top story for a affortable price of NTD 30. 

2 computers for ppl to use 
Mini kitchen 



Looking down from the cake shop. That whole stretch of road with black spots is liuhe nightmarket.

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