Friday 18 May 2012

Taiwan day 6-7.5 ~ Taitung...

Bye kenting! It was a disappointment to not able to play water activities at kenting, but nonetheless, we did experience taifung (mini ver, lucky). 
And so we set of to our next destination, taitung. 

From hualien train station, we bought 便当! This is to fulfill our dear friend Jean's wish to eat 铁路便当。though we did not buy this from the train station. 

The 便当looks delicious, but it was not. 

Setting off from fangliao to taitung 

We took a local train, which was said to be the last local train running from hualien to taitung, as less and less ppl took the local train due to its slow speed.
The local train was indeed very old and running at a very slow pace. The number of passengers were only less than 10 for the whole train. So the three of us got the whole cabin by ourself HAHA.

Local train exterior 

No aircon, only fans. However when the train is moving, it is very windy and nice :D

On our way to taitung, we pass by the pacific ocean! Which is so nice and colourful! There are 4 colours, blue, turquoise, grey and white. When passing by the pacific ocean, the train keeps going into tunnel, so every time when the train exit the tunnel, we will all turn and look out for the beautiful ocean.
Pacific ocean
When we reached taitung, we took a shuttle bus to the 'city' of taitung. When we reached, we walked to our hostel, La Pace hostel. On the map the distance look pretty short, so we decide to save on the taxi fare and walk with our huge bagpack. We were so wrong. We almost died when we reached our destination. After settling down, we rented bicycle from our hostel for NTD 100 for 24hours, which was much cheaper if we rent outside (around NTD 300). We needed our own transport as there are no buses around taitung. 

My freaking huge bag
And so our bicycle journey started....

We cycle to drink the famous sugar cane lemonade (which according to the host, was the only drink found in taiwan). This tasted exactly like the sugar cane lemonade from my the market near my house in singapore. But it was still nice. Next we ate the seaweed noodle recommended by our host again. We think that the noodle was very bland, but the 汤包was delicious!  After which we cycled to 鲤鱼山, but we did not go in because it looks really scary and dark. We are timid. 
The sun set pretty fast in taiwan, around 6+pm, the sky is completely dark. People in taitung all turn in very early, at around 6pm, all the stores were closed and very little ppl can be seen on the street. And so we were lost and unable to find our way back. We cycled for a very long time, scared and tired, as it was really very dark. When we finally managed to find a 7/11, we went in there, as it was the only bright place ); We eat again, and buy food for the next day breakfast, as seriously in taitung, most of the stores were closed. 

* tips* If you were to visit taitung, do expect to only able to view the nice scenery, no shopping, no party. It is a solace place for people to relax and think of their life. 
And if you were expecting to visit taitung night market, go there during weekend. As it is not open during weekdays.

Finally after 2.5 hours of hardship, we found our way back. And our poor friend which preferred unnamed was still in a shock stage after being chased by a stray dog. We ended the day very early, 8.30pm as there were really nothing for us to see. So we decided to sleep in early....9.30pm... with the light on. Because we were scared. The whole building (2storey) only have the 3 of us. And some of the lights were not working ;___;  even though i like to watch horror movies, but i hate it when i am one of the character inside. 

Actually the hostel is a very good place, it provides us with washing machine and washing powder, shampoo and soap, and even conditioner. Also tea bags. Just that it looks scary ): The after effect of cycling alone in the street of taitung freak us off.

鲤鱼山. The picture looks really eerie and nice. 

We bought instant noodle for our breakfast the next day. 

Common area of the hostel 

Hostel La pace 

Taiwan day 7 - Taitung

We were still in taitung. As we do not want to have a bad impression on taitung.
We went to the park in taitung. The scenery is duper nice and the air is refreshing. The old people there were also very friendly :D (which we did not get to meet any of them at night)

Our bicycle 


man-made pond. was a really cold morning, but yet there were old uncles swimming in the cold water. 

We cycle cycle and cycle 

Old man swimming inside. I wonder if they were trepassing 

And so we leave the park and cycle to a place where they sell awesome ice cream.
On the way to search for the ice cream 

FOUND! THIS IS DAMN NICE. Pine apple and 洛神花flavour. 

the shop's name : 台糖冰品

salted ice cream. Ingredient: ..... salted egg white ! :O

Proceed to buy 包to salvage my 包craving and i met a cat <3

This was recommended by the host. According to her it was damn nice. BUT the shop was closed.... But still we acted as if we have tried it -.-

BYEE!~ exterior of la pace hostel 

After checking out, we called a cab. As it was really a pain to walk out to take the shuttle bus again.
We bought tickets to hualien, our next stop~
Train tickets to hualien 

Bought the real 台铁便当 at taitung train station. Again, it tasted not nice at all.
Bye taitung.
It was a nice place for people who like to calm down and relax and to have peaceful moment.
Not recommended if you are party animal travelling alone. 

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